You suffocate.
Well this is what mineral oil is doing to your skin!
Mineral oil is a thinner form of petrolatum (Vaseline). Despite its name it does not contain any minerals, nutrients or organic ingredients. It’s an odourless and colourless substance and is a by-product of the petroleum industry, which is dumped, in huge quantities in the cosmetic industry. They are cheap, stable and have a long shelf life. It is an occlusive ingredient, which means that it seals in moisture therefore it is an extremely comedogenic (clogs pores) when used in moisturizers and foundations. Yet this ingredient is found in 90% of baby products, skincare lotions and creams. Similar ingredients to Mineral oil are: Paraffin, Petrolatum, Petroleum, Liquid Paraffin, and Petroleum Jelly…
Here’s the effect on your skin… You apply this ingredient to your skin, it leaves a thin film locking in moisture which prevents the skin from breathing. In this case it causes blocked pores, stopping normal respiration by keeping oxygen out. The mineral oil traps in the toxins that you would normally excrete from your pores. Your skin will start to starve from this effect and will literally strip, flake or peel when you stop using it (you know when you forget to cream your legs in the morning). You will see that your skin will have an artificial sheen like plastic and since it creates a film when you apply other products it just sits on top of the mineral oil resulting in layers and layers of lotions or creams that might have good nutrients i.e. water, that is not being absorbed. Resulting in even more dry skin that flakes further or worse, dermatitis (inflammation of the skin like acne or eczema), or hormonal imbalance. Yep your skin is wrapped in plastic and it cannot breathe!
Now imagine this ingredient in your hair, especially if you suffer from dryness! (I’m talking all you curly hair types)*coughs* *hair loss/breakage* *coughs*
Best non-occlusive ingredients to use on skin and hair: Water, Vegetable Glycerin, Jojoba oil, Shea butter, Aloe Vera gel, Almond oil, Avocado Oil, Coconut oil
NEVER use a mineral oil based product. You will know if the product is mineral oil based by looking at the top of the ingredient list!
Illustration by Epifany
Posted by Epifany in
Ingredients to Avoid
- 11 May 2009
5:54 AM
Imagine wearing a plastic bag tied over your head. What do you think will happen over time? You suffocate.
Well this is what mineral oil is doing to your skin!
Mineral oil is a thinner form of petrolatum (Vaseline). Despite its name it does not contain any minerals, nutrients or organic ingredients. It’s an odourless and colourless substance and is a by-product of the petroleum industry, which is dumped, in huge quantities in the cosmetic industry. They are cheap, stable and have a long shelf life. It is an occlusive ingredient, which means that it seals in moisture therefore it is an extremely comedogenic (clogs pores) when used in moisturizers and foundations. Yet this ingredient is found in 90% of baby products, skincare lotions and creams. Similar ingredients to Mineral oil are: Paraffin, Petrolatum, Petroleum, Liquid Paraffin, and Petroleum Jelly…
Here’s the effect on your skin… You apply this ingredient to your skin, it leaves a thin film locking in moisture which prevents the skin from breathing. In this case it causes blocked pores, stopping normal respiration by keeping oxygen out. The mineral oil traps in the toxins that you would normally excrete from your pores. Your skin will start to starve from this effect and will literally strip, flake or peel when you stop using it (you know when you forget to cream your legs in the morning). You will see that your skin will have an artificial sheen like plastic and since it creates a film when you apply other products it just sits on top of the mineral oil resulting in layers and layers of lotions or creams that might have good nutrients i.e. water, that is not being absorbed. Resulting in even more dry skin that flakes further or worse, dermatitis (inflammation of the skin like acne or eczema), or hormonal imbalance. Yep your skin is wrapped in plastic and it cannot breathe!
Now imagine this ingredient in your hair, especially if you suffer from dryness! (I’m talking all you curly hair types)*coughs* *hair loss/breakage* *coughs*
Best non-occlusive ingredients to use on skin and hair: Water, Vegetable Glycerin, Jojoba oil, Shea butter, Aloe Vera gel, Almond oil, Avocado Oil, Coconut oil
NEVER use a mineral oil based product. You will know if the product is mineral oil based by looking at the top of the ingredient list!
Illustration by Epifany
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