Posted by Epifany in - 03 June 2009 6:09 AM
Everyone should know that water is the best moisture for your hair and skin, without it the result would be damaging, but your home’s water might be the culprit for dull lifeless frizzy, hair or itchy skin. I’ll tell you why…

What is Hard Water?
As describe by Wikipedia, hard water is water that has high mineral content (mainly calcium and magnesium ions) (in contrast with soft water). Hard water minerals primarily consist of calcium (Ca2+), and magnesium (Mg2+) metal cations, and sometimes other dissolved compounds such as bicarbonates and sulfates. Calcium usually enters the water as either calcium carbonate (CaCO3), in the form of limestone and chalk, or calcium sulfate (CaSO4), in the form of other mineral deposits. The predominant source of magnesium is dolomite (CaMg(CO3)2). Hard water is generally not harmful to one's health.

To know if you have hard water the telltale signs are:
* Dull,dry, brittle frizzy hair that feels like a film is on it
* Soap scum in the bottom of sinks and bathtubs
* Bathtub rings
* Dry water spots on dishes, shower doors and foundation taps
* Soaps and detergents that don’t foam up quickly (resulting in using too much to get the foam, dry hair/skin etc…)
* Clogged pipes from build up of minerals
* Off white scales in your kettle or iron
* Clothes that has a sticky film and feels slippery after been washed with fabric softener and tears easily
* Itchy white skin- caused by soap scum and water

What should I do to prevent this, you ask? Well there are several options available…

Water Softener
A process called ion-exchange removes water hardness. It’s a system that is added to your boiler so that your home water supply is softened.

Water Purifiers/Filters for your shower
This is a cheaper option than getting a water softener as you attach the device to your shower head. These filters provide PH balanced water that is chlorine free and prevents heavy metals and harmful minerals from passing through your shower head.

Use a clarifying shampoo
This is for those who cannot add filters or water softeners (non-homeowners or financial reasons etc…). These shampoos remove the build up of minerals and old hair products as washing your hair with normal shampoo in hard water does not remove all debris. You’ll find that after using it your hair is more manageable, bouncy, cleaner and shinier. DO NOT use it on colour treated hair, as it will fade your colour!

Use Vinegar for your washing machine and skin!
No you won’t smell like fish and chips or pickle! I swear to you that if you put white vinegar in your wash instead of fabric softener, your clothes will feel super soft instead of sticky and will smell fresh! You’ll also notice that your washing machine smell better to as the vinegar cleans the soap dispenser and removes lint. Not only that but the colour will last longer (especially whites) and your clothes will have less friction in the dryer so there will be less tears and. My mum washes her towels with vinegar and they come out fluffy, soft and bouncy, they never go flat, fall apart or hard which is common with hard water and fabric softener.

As for your skin you could have warm showers or baths instead of piping hot ones or after your shower/bath rub white vinegar on your skin to restore the PH balance and remove the itching before towel drying! (The smell goes away, honest).

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