Posted by Epifany in - 25 March 2009 7:05 AM
I received a question on one of my earlier posts and decided to give a detail explanation on how to comb your hair without damaging/breaking the hair. Someone asked whether I combed my hair and what is best in terms of combing. Well I don't comb my hair that often, maybe twice a week but when I do, I always comb it when wet with leave in conditioner or whilst applying my wash out conditioner (my hair is kinky). I sometime switch between using my fingers or my wide toothcomb. For other people it really depends on how silky/ curly the hair is to determine the best way or how often to detangle.

I hope this info helps…

Things you’ll need
-A wide toothcomb
-Water or detangling lotion
-Hair bands (the ouch less ones), or clips optional

Wet your hair generously with water or detangling lotion so that you have some sort of slippage to the hair. You can skip this part if you want to detangle your hair dry. *

With your fingers try to detangle your hair from tip to root. Try to take care when doing this as afro hair is fragile. If you cannot detangle part of your hair with your fingers because there is a knot, add more water or detangler to that section and try again but do not pull the hair apart, as this will cause damage.


Using the wide toothcomb, part your hair into as many sections as you want
(I prefer just making four sections) and twist, clip or add bands to keep them separated. Take down each section, one at a time and using the wide toothcomb detangle further. DO NOT comb from the roots, as this will break your hair. ALWAYS start at the tip and comb downwards in small bits till you reach the root.

Now you should have tangled free hair, which can be style to your choice.
If there are any more questions about this post please email me.

If you want to detangle your hair dry I would think that it would be easier on hair that has a natural silkiness (eg mixed race hair). If your hair is very kinky and dry to the touch I would detangle with a leave- in conditioner or water.

Illustrations by Epifany

This post has 2 comments
2 bikbik kere edilmiÅŸ
March 25, 2009 at 1:26 PM

Thanks :)

March 25, 2009 at 1:42 PM

No problem :c)

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